Who we are

What is Joy? Is it happiness? Perhaps pleasure? Earl Nightengale says this “Enjoyment is the concomitant and the result of satisfaction of a need, any need.” Therefore, basic need fulfillment brings only pleasure whereas fulfillment of our greatest needs equals Joy. When we sacrifice for others, act altruistically, or find our true purpose then and only then do we feel and understand Joy.

What then about Longevity? Oxford defines it as “long existence or service.” A long life. A long purpose. Its Joyful to find one’s purpose, but don’t we all want to continue in that purpose driven life for the long haul? Our health has the greatest impact on our longevity on this big blue marble we call Earth.

With this mindset J&L Health and Wellness is dedicated to finding the best companies and products that will further one’s Longevity, so one may find their Joy. We sell Carico because we believe in, “Helping People Live Longer, Healthier Lives!” Just like Carico’s founder Richard R. Cappadona does.

Please take a minute to think how you’d feel eating healthier, drinking purer water, breathing clearer, and having restful sleep. Let us bring you greater pleasure in your basic needs, so that you will have Joy and Longevity in your life’s purpose.
